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Why some of my stories are only on Amazon


I love writing short stories - both to accompany my novels as well as my sprawling 5 season Debt Collector serial - but managing the large number of titles that goes along with that gets daunting. Especially when spread across five different retailers. Publishing short stories and serials on Amazon leaves me more time for WRITING. As for launching a news series Amazon-only (Singularity), that was a strategic decision, to use Amazon's algorithms to boost the new series as much as possible. My intention is to launch the series in Amazon, then expand to other retailers later. We'll see if that works out.


However, I want to make it possible for ALL my readers to access all my stories.


Getting Kindle Books Without a Kindle - CLICK HERE

You can read Amazon's ebooks on almost any device- tablets, iPads, phones, your computer. Even Nook tablets can install a Kindle app! So while the books are exclusive to Amazon, that doesn't mean they're hard to get! 


Kobo and Nook Readers - Join My Reviewer List

If you absolutely can't find a way to get a Kindle App on a device you own, I would be happy to add you to my reviewer list. Reviews on Amazon are very helpful in increasing the discoverability of the books! 

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